Auto insurance helps to protect you and your family against financial loss in the event of an accident or other cause of loss. It covers the injuries and damages caused by an accident. It may also cover the costs of repairing or replacing your vehicle if it is damaged or stolen.
What it Covers
Liability Coverage
This covers medical injuries and damages when you are at-fault in an accident whether you damage someone else's car or property.
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist (UM) Coverage
This covers medical injuries only (in NV) for you and your passengers if the other party is at-fault in an accident and has no insurance or not enough insurance to cover your medical injuries.
Medical Payments
Regardless of who is at-fault, this pays for any accident related injuries to you and your passengers.
Collision Coverage
This covers your vehicle if you collide or run into something, such as another car, wall, or bridge.
Comprehensive Coverage
This covers anything that may happen to your car that is not related to collision, such as theft, fire, or vandalism.
In most states, you are required to carry a minimum amount of liability insurance and also provide proof of insurance before you can register your vehicle. If you are caught driving without insurance, you may have to pay a large fine, have your driver's license suspended, and/or have your car impounded.
The required state minimum liability limits may not be enough to pay for all the damages that result from an accident. The legally responsible driver will have to pay the additional expenses out of pocket. Contact us to discuss the best auto insurance coverage for your needs and budget.
Generally, the longer you drive without major tickets or accidents, the lower your premium will be. You may qualify for discounts based on your vehicle's safety features, insuring multiple cars, and bundling your home insurance with the same company. We also offer an annual policy, which locks in your rate for the entire year.